Natasha Blycha

Technology Lawyer – Blockchain & Smart Contracts


  • 2018 Nominee

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About Natasha Blycha

Natasha conceived and brought together the consortium of IBM, CSIRO, Herbert Smith Freehills and King Wood Mallesons to build a new piece of digital infrastructure for Australia – the Australian National Blockchain (ANB). As a technology lawyer and Herbert Smith Freehill’s Blockchain and Smart Legal Contract Lead, she is a role model who demonstrates competence and determination while balancing work, life and family. Natasha is also a founding member of ‘Five’, a community organisation working to make walking, running and cycling in Perth, Western Australia, easier, safer and more convenient. This organisation is creating a streamlined route of suburban safe, active streets/bike boulevards connecting Perth City to the City of Fremantle. Natasha is a mentor and inspiration to junior solicitors around the firm’s national network.

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