WiTWA 2024 Tech [+] Awards

Celebrating women in technology. If you can see her, you can be her!

The WiTWA Tech [+] Awards celebrate the outstanding achievements and contributions of women in the tech industry. Our mission is to recognize and honor the trailblazers, innovators, and leaders who are driving progress and making a significant impact in their fields.

Event Details for 2025:

  • Date: Friday, 7 November 2025
  • Time: 6:00pm – midnight
  • Venue: Perth Convention & Exhibition Centre


Advocacy, Community & Volunteering

This is for the women who actively advocate for and support other women in Tech [+]. They are role models who guide more women into technology, STEM or digital fields, or inspire women to succeed in technology roles and organisations. Whether they work, volunteer or use tech for community good, we’re looking for leaders who are building diversity and making a difference. 

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AI, Robotics, Data & Analytics

This is for the women who work with data to understand, interpret, predict and harness the next big thing. They are masters of fields that are reshaping our society. Whether they are solving complex problems, interpreting data or making robots do things they couldn’t do yesterday, we’re looking for women who are pushing the boundaries of technology to create impact. 

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Architecture, Development & QA

This is for the women who transform ideas into working products in a beautiful and agile way. They are the deep thinkers who embrace challenges and know how to craft solutions. Whether they code, build, develop or design we’re looking for the smooth operators of strategy, architecture (data, enterprise, infrastructure or systems), software development, automation, DevOps, QA, and applications.  

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Cyber, Security & Privacy

This is for the women in the fastest-growing field in the tech industry which, if not managed well, can also be the most harmful. They are on a mission to keep networks, stakeholders and end users safe from malicious actors. Whether they are detecting, preventing or responding to threats we’re looking for those women playing a crucial role in protecting systems, networks and data from unauthorised access, cyberattacks and other security breaches.

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Design, Analysis & Product Management

This is for the women who bridge the gap between people, business and technology. They are walking in the shoes of others and articulating technology solutions that customers love. Whether they’re our UX / UI experts, BAs, product managers or product owners we’re looking for user advocates who are shaping the direction and success of technology products and solutions.

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Delivery, Project Management & IT Support

This is for the women who keep everything running smoothly for the rest of us. They deliver the best solutions, on time, on budget and with the right infrastructure. Whether you call them magicians or know them as our agile coaches, delivery leads, change managers, project managers and scrum masters, we know they’re giving their all for the business, clients and end users.  

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Entrepreneurship & Innovation

This is for the women starting new ventures – our entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs and innovators. They are visionaries, risk takers, change makers and confident creators. Whether they’re starting up, rethinking, accelerating or collaborating we’re looking for those using passion, motivation and curiosity to drive change, push boundaries and turn ideas into reality. 

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Digital Creativity & Game Tech

This is for the women who integrate artistry and innovation with the tools and processes of technology. They are creatives, looking for new ways to explore, build, augment and reimagine. Whether they’re a specialist in their field or fielding interdisciplinary practice, we’re looking for artists, designers and creative technologists who push boundaries and create immersive, interactive or transformative experiences.

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Sales, Marketing & Business Support

This is for the women who play a critical role supporting the day-to-day operations of technology teams and organisations. They are the quiet heroes helping all of us meet goals and deliver value. Whether they’re getting word out or ensuring inhouse systems are working smoothly we’re looking for women who are finding solutions to drive business success. 

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STEM Academia & Research

This is for women who are lecturing or teaching within a STEM discipline at tertiary level (under or postgraduate) or in research institutions. This includes women who are leading the way in research of STEM, STEAM or Digital fields. And it’s for women who teach and research topics related to the tech industry, in particular in relation to exploring the lack of diversity in the industry (including but not limited to gender imbalance) and the path forward for equity in STEM fields. 

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STEM/ STEAM/ Digital Education in Schools

This is for the women educators within our school and TAFE systems, from K to 12 and including VET education. They’re providing high quality outcomes and approaches in STEM, STEAM or Digital teaching, integrating learning areas and encouraging students to explore, innovate, create, collaborate and problem-solve. Or they might be raising awareness of the importance of 21st Century skills in preparing students for roles and technologies that don’t yet exist. 

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Outstanding Senior Leadership

This is for women in Tech [+] who best demonstrate excellence in leadership, communication and strategic vision. The award is not restricted purely to C-level, though the position should be senior (GM/Director) with responsibility for technology in the organisation. Candidates will include examples of strong leadership; how they have had a positive impact on the company’s top line and driven new customer value through the innovative use of technology. Judges will also assess how they have helped put technology at the heart of the business, driving transformative change and/or strong commercial results in the process. 

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Outstanding Allyship

This award will go to a person who does not identify as a woman and who has gone out of his/their way to improve the diversity, inclusion and equity for women in tech roles and organisations, within their workplace and/or in the wider community. Successful nominations must provide case studies or examples of how the candidate has gone out of their way, or strategically prioritised, getting more women into IT and/or supporting them in their careers.   

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People’s Choice

We want to showcase your amazing work! This is an open category for all candidates who identify as a woman. All candidates are invited to publish their profile and promote themselves to their communities, whether that be through work, membership organisations or friends and families. The winner will be the candidate who gets the most votes through an open public voting round. 

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Outstanding Regional Role Model

A woman who lives and works outside the Perth and Peel Regions and who is delivering outstanding projects. 

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Outstanding Youth Role Model

A woman aged 18 to 25 years (25 or younger on 30 June 2024) who has demonstrated excellent drive and potential to be the next generation leader in their field. 

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Tech [+] Star

A woman who has demonstrated the highest degree of technology excellence, innovation and leadership in her career, and shone a light on the great things women in technology can achieve. 

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